Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Week 3

Another quick post....I managed to reach my first mini-goal of 305.0 by the last day of January! As of this morning I was down another lb. So considering that I wasn't 100% perfect on food lat week, I'll take it! (when I say that I mean I ate lite dressing instead of fat free one day and I ate a serving of sweet potato fries another day).

I'm not feeling as hungry as I was the first couple of weeks! My stomach doesn't feel like I have been doing sit-ups none stop for hours at least! LOL I have noticed my pants are a bit more comfortable, they had been getting a little uncomfortable for sitting all day! SO yippy on that one! Work has been a bit stressful so I'm hoping just to pull off a couple of lbs this week but we'll see.
I will try to get a few minutes to post again soon! Until then...i hope you are all doing well!


Bear said...

You're doing great! 10lbs down already, go Sherri!

I did grab your 305 and put that in for the February challenge. I know you're busy but stop by the Shrinkers blog if you get a few minutes. We're starting to get a little bit of a crowd with Bob and Justin returning. The girls are close to being outnumbered!

Jamie said...

Way to go Sherri!!! Glad you are doing well. Stress sucks!!! Hang in there.

Bear said...

Hello? Sherri? What's going on??? Let us know how you're doing.

Bear said...

Danger! Danger Will Robinson! We seem to have lost Sherri!

Give us a shout and let us know how you're doing, please?