Thursday, December 03, 2009

A year in review....

I haven't been here in forever! SO much has changed but then again so much hasn't. Where to about a list.
  • January 13, 2009 I got a job, it sounds bizzare but I love it! I work as an administrative assistant at a funeral home.
  • Easter Day 2009- My father-in-law passed away after a very long battle with lung disease.
  • May 2009- My family mourned the year anniversay of my Grandmother's passing, and celebrated that my grandfather was still with us at 89....even though it includes a new lady friend in his life!
  • August 2009- My baby girl started K5!
  • October 2009- I was told my blood pressure was too high to give blood! 155/103...not so good!

I'm sure there have been plenty of other milestones but I guess those stand out the most in my mind at the moment!

My journey with weight has just brought me another year of being overweight and wishing I wasn't instead of getting up and doing something about it! I have watched my Dad struggle since last January with a back issue that just won't go away! This dr. has said that and this one that....but when it all comes down to it...he needs to lose weight!! He is over 300lbs...has 2 new knees and a bad back! It will help! I just know how I feel now he is 62. At the rate I'm going at now I'll be in a wheelchair by the time I'm that age!

I have sat on my ass all season and watched Biggest Loser on NBC...thinking..I couldn't do that or no way in hell would my knees allow me to do that...but you know...most of those people had health issues when they started too! I know its not possible, because of the schedule I keep, to work out 6 to 8 hours a day but Im darn sure I could find an hour somewhere. I bought Jillian Michael's new Wii game for Fit. Just waiting for Santa to bring the Wii now. I really think home exercise is the only way I will do it...I work 30 minutes from my house and I have my daughter in school over here. The only gym available doesn't have child care so I would have to leave her with a friend everyday in order to go work out! It wouldn't be far to I think this is the best option. I don't have room for a bunch of health equipment but I think I can find room for some cowbells somewhere.

I have started staying in the office for lunch...usually light progresso soup or weight watcher meals...i have been doing really well with breakfast as well, usually weight control oatmeal. BUt will someone please tell me the secret to not eating at night! I have certain things I try to keep stocked in the house...fruit, light or air popcorn, 100 calorie snack packs. All I want to do is eat...I'm a night owl and the rest of my family isn' I get lonely, bored..i don't usual food becomes my friend and companion....this has always been my problem...I need to find and alternative...I'm thinking the Wii will come in handy in that department as well! Time will tell...if anyone is still around...see you next week!


Bear said...

I was glad to hear from you! The blood pressure problem is not good and I hope you get this under control quickly. I've been there and taking drugs for this isn't a great deal of fun.

I'm going to give you a little tough love here... The things you are seeing and finding are simply the start of problems you're going to face. You need to lose this weight, take it from someone who has put this off for far to long. Getting up of the floor is almost impossible for me now. My blood pressure is controlled by drugs. My bad habits and lack of dealing with my weight has lead to type 2 diabetes. I'm concerned if you don't do something you'll end up dealing with all the problems I'm facing.

As for your question about night-time snacking, I found an easy fix for me but I expect something you can't do. I don't even start dinner before 8pm. I have a small snack between 10-10:30 so it holds me over. Sorry, that's all I got.

If you and I can both show progress, and prove our focus between now and the end of the year I'll kick the NS Shrinkers blog back on. You and I need to post at least once a week to our personal blogs and we both need to be focused. I think we can do that, I know I'm committed.

Emily said...

Hey guys! I've missed you! I'm so glad you're both back! Barry, I totally thought about e-mailing you the other day to see how you were doing. No lie.

Sherri, all you can do is jump back on. I would love to get The Shrinkers Club going again. I have been hanging in there, but as we all know, it's a day to day struggle, and I can use all of the support I can get. The wii is a great idea. Anything to keep us motivated. I can imagine Jillian's game is kick ass. I love her videos, but I curse her the entire time, because they are tough!

I'm so glad to see you post (even though I do "see" you on FB). I need to get back to blogging. I'm determined to not gain weight during the next several weeks.