Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday Morning blues....

As the holiday gets closer I get more depressed! AND you all know what happens when I get depressed...I just want to EAT!!! I have been trying not to but in this small town people are dropping off goodies and I'm baking...things are insane so we are grabbing quick meals that aren't always the healthiest. I can't wait for it to all be over with so I can get back to work! I am super excited about the Wii Fit Plus! I can't wait to get to work! I've managed to lose a few lbs in the last couple of weeks but not much..I'm cutting out little things for now...tea in the morning instead of coffee with real cream and sugar. Going to bed at night instead of mindlessly eating in front of the TV for hours on end. I'm down to 311 as of this morning...that's a tiny little chip of what I need to lose but every one counts in the long run~

I will plan to make regular posts again after the holiday! For now~ I'll keep getting here when I can! Good Luck my friends! And Merry Christmas!


Bear said...

First, Merry Christmas!

I can't image how hard it is for someone with a family to avoid sweets this time of year. Congratulations on losing a few at a time when everyone is gaining.

As for the Wii Fit, I have one but can't use it. Seems they have a weight limit of 325 so until I lose a little more I'll just leave it in the closet.

Jamie said...

Hi Sherri, welcome back. Thanks for stopping by. I am on the same page as you. I can't wait for it all to be over with!!!!! Lol...I am excited to see how the Wii Fit Plus works out for you. Have been wanting to purchase one, but don't know if I would get on it all that much.

Have a Merry Christmas and congrats with the weight loss!

Emily said...

Great job chipping away at the weight, Sherri! You should be proud of every pound you lose. I have heard great things about the Wii Fit. Good luck with it! Can't wait to hear updates. Keep your chin up and remember the holidays will be over soon.