Thursday, January 14, 2010

The game is on!

I got a call from my sister-in-law last night asking Pauland I to join the family weight loss challenge. We're all meeting at her house this Saturday to weigh in, weights are sealed in an envelope and for 3 months we each pay $5 into the pot. At the end of the challenge the person with the greatest weight loss wins the pot! I LOVE THIS IDEA!!!!

I'm still waiting to get my Wii/Fit plus hooked up. Headed to Bangor this weekend to pick up a new TV stand that will hodl the new flat screen then we will be all set to plug in! JUST IN TIME!!! I'm going shopping while I'm there as well. Its much easier to find good fresh fruit and veggies then it is here in our little markets. I'm really pumped to kick some Cox butt! I am prepared for this...I know what to do and how to do it, now I just have to put my money where my mouth is.....literally! I have needed this kind of motivation!

I haven't given up Bear I promise! I'm just slow getting my ducks in a row. I want my environment to be indusive to losing weight so I'm slowing weening my kid off the junk we have been eating over the holidays and cleaning out the things we really don't need to be eating. I have replaced the blast o butter popcorn with smart pop, replaced regualr jello with sugar free 10 calorie stuff. And as sad as it may be for my Schwan's man...I'm no longer buying he drugs he more ice cream sandwiches or fudgies, no more cheesy bread....just NO MORE OF IT! Maybe I'll start buying my veggies from him...we really do like him! LOL

So off I go to get weighed in this weekend! I WILL post more often just to be accountable! And Bear I really would like to see the Shrinkers blog up and running again so Iwill do my best to post at least once a week!


Emily said...

Woo hoo Sherri! I'm so glad to see you motivated. Can't wait to hear more about the challenge. I'm game for getting the shrinkers club going again. Keep this momentum going. And great job getting the junk food out of the house!

Bear said...

Well stop on by the shrinkers blog because it could indeed be starting again soon.

I was sure you hadn't complete gone. You have a tough time with the family which brings in a whole new set of challenges. The switching of some of the snacks and such is a great idea.

So is this money challenge, I'm betting on you winning this so keep us informed on how you're doing. I'll try and keep you motivated and I'm sure Em will do the same.