Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Coming clean

Ok I finally did it, I posted my numbers on the shrinkers blog. I hate admitting failure...but I have to do it in order to go forward. I have my house in order..I've given into the idea of being a stay at home mom for now and I'm feeling better about just being me. But in order to be the best me and the best mom I need to focus on getting myself healthy. I used to worry about the way I look and how other people see me. No I think my focus has turned to see that I need to get healthy. The hell with what others think. My friends like me, I have a great personality but I won't be here for my daughter if I don't focus on me and getting this weight off. She is my world and the thought of leaving her scares me too death! She needs me and I need her. I can't play with her or have fun with her without getting winded or tired after just a few minutes.

I bought a few books on calorie counting and they should be here anytime now. I'm taking a page out of Bob and Emily's book and trying this approach. I never measure servings...i guess, so obviously I have been judging way over the proper serving size. SO I'm off to get my ass in gear and get healthy. I'm weighing in at 305.2 as of today. I have a lofty goal of 285 by the end of the year. We'll see how I do.

1 comment:

Bob said...

Great job, Sherri! Facing the number really sucks, doesn't it? Just make those changes and hit that year end goal you set. You really can do it!