Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Getting back into the groove

I've been all summer trying to decide what I want to do when fall comes. I think I will be taking a class after all. It's an independent study in Marketing for Non-Profits, so it will be ok if I do find a job that strikes me, I wanted to take this class when I was at the university but it never came to being while I was there so the teacher decided he would do this independent study for a few us that have show interest.

Amy starts back to school on the 27th and I think we are all ready for it. I have all her school clothes and shoes, she is geared up with a new book bag and lunch box....and of course all those new school supplies. She can't wait!! The only thing bothering her is she has to go back to the school bedtime every night in prep for returning to school.

I'm finally through all the rooms in the house....weeded and out of the house. I'm actually going to do a yard sale with my cousin this weekend. Considering I live in Maine and the price of heating fuel is over $5 a gallon I think any spare money might come in handy. I think it will be fun. I did one years ago and didn't make shit...people actually try to barter on items you have marked under a buck!! lol too funny! Anyway, I have a lot more to get rid of this time so who knows. I have paint for several rooms but I think I will do that after Amy goes back to school. I have to drive her everyday but she is staying for a full day this year so I will have time to come home and do somethings around here. If gas keeps going up I'm going to need to find a part-time job though to afford it but the school is so worth it.

I'm still keeping my plan of working out everyday. I think one day a week I will be staying in town while Amy is in school and I may make that my long day at the gym, then the other days I have to drop her off by 8 so I will have plenty of time to do my workout and get home to do projects before she has to be picked up. I haven't done a thing on the weight loss front but I am maintaining for now. I'm just eating regular meals with the family and trying not to eat anything extra. We'll see!!

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