Thursday, July 31, 2008

A new idea!!???

I have a new idea. The job outlook is pretty bleak around here and Paul doesn't care if I work anyway so for a while I'm thinking that I might take a class and use the gym. This way I can take Amy to school still and not have to put her in that nasty school here, and at the same time I can go to the gym and work on myself. I won't have any excuses if that's all I have to do all day while she is in school. ok ok I know it's a stretch to think that I will spend that much time in a gym but maybe I'll get addicted or something. hahaha There is always the pool to change it up a bit. I hope this is the answer for me, I eat ok but still nothing happens with the scale. I have to add exercise or this damn circle will never end and I'll keep getting down and going back eating junk. I think once I can see a change it will hope with the motivation.

I'm looking at an independent study on Marketing for Non-Profits. I think this will be a big help with the Children's program, we really need some fresh ideas on how to raise some money since the state has cut so much from our budget. It's a great program that helps children's and families deal with developmental issues--autism spectrum, CP, etc. It's a great program and it really needs help so hopefully I will also be able to mix up the exercise with helping out there some too.

I'm still hanging in and bouncing back and forth between the 290's and 300's. It sucks!! I really need to do something else!! I think this new idea will kick things into gear for me, as long as I get enough sleep and prepare our lunches ahead so I'm not eating junk in a restaurant in town. Planning and organization...imagine that....I have issues with being organized but maybe I can improve that too.

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