Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I can't believe its been so long since I last posted! Time flies I guess. I made it through grandma's funeral then Paul's mother ended up in the hospital. She has had several small strokes but the last one effected her walking so much that she had to seek help this time. She is home now and waiting for rehab to start but is getting around ok with a walker on wheels.

I have gone back to getting rid of "things" we don't use or need. My cousin and I are going to have a small yard sale soon to get rid of it all what doesn't go will go to the trash because I'm done dealing with all the clutter in my life.

I'm just maintaining at around the 299 mark but at least I'm not going up! I haven't really been taking time to eat much but then again I haven't been snacking either. You'd think all the trips I've made up these stairs that I'd be getting my exercise in and losing something!! I have our room all done, Amy's room is clean but I'll have to wait for her not to be home a day before I go through her things and weed some of it out. Now I've moved on to the bathroom, not a lot to do just need to go through and see what we have and what we are almost out of. I'm also trying to stock up on things. Sounds weird but my grandfather has been at me to do it. Something about how much money it will cost this winter for us to go back and forth just to the store....he has a point we do live 30 minutes from the nearest store that carries something besides beer and milk! lol

My plan for tomorrow will to move to the downstairs and start ditching more junk! I've managed to sell most of my old textbooks online and made a few bucks back now I just need to go through the crazy amount of paper I have seemed to have accumulated along the last three years. I used to have the rule that no junk mail ever made it into the house but over the last few months it seems that it has crepted back in somehow!

I guess I have rambled about the house long enough! I need to get off my butt and fold some laundry now! Hope everyone is doing well....that is if anyone besides Emily still stops by! That didn't come out right I hope you are doing well too Emily!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

No offense taken, Sherri. :) I hope your house de-cluttering adventure is going well. Good job maintaining and even losing, it sounds like.

I always feel this pressure to make the best of my summers, which makes it even harder to enjoy them. But I'm working hard to enjoy this one!