Thursday, May 29, 2008

long time writing! lol

Wow I can't believe I haven't written anything since March! Time has been flying by. I graduated with high honors on May 10th and today was Amy's last day of school for the summer. We have tons of plans and top on my list is getting my fat ass into gear! (hopefully making that a bit smaller ass by next fall) lol

I lost my grandmother on May 15th, so my graduation week was full of ups and downs. But I have to tell you I would have had a lot harder time with it all then I did if it hadn't been for Amy. I was upset and crying after the news, she asked me why I was sad and I told her....and she says..."It's OK Mama, now she is in heaven but she will always be in your heart" Got to love that Christian school education...of course this made me cry even harder and almost hug her to death but wow a 4 year old sees things so clearly!! Grandpa is doing OK but we are worried about him he tells us how tired he is all the time. He is 88 so that's OK but we are just so use to him being strong and healthy, I guess this day had to come sooner or later. Hell up until a year or so ago he could do chin-ups on beam at camp! I've never been able to do it! hahaha

I have been talking with a girl that has the lap band and has lost about 50 lbs she loves it but its a much slower process then with the bypass but a lot safer! I can't decide if I want to go to this extreme or not! What will stop me from going back to my old habits once I had the lap band removed?? I really think I can do this on my own, I know what to do I just don't do it for some reason.........

I've started "The BIG CLEAN". I've said for the last 3 years, as soon as school is out I have got to dung this house out!!!" We have so much junk. I've gotten rid of tons of stuff already but it was hard for me when I married Paul because I came from a house with like 15 rooms and this house has like 5 counting the bathroom! Easy to heat yes but not conducive to me keeping all my junk! So I'm giving myself license to go one room at a time and weed things out that I haven't used or worn for a year or more. Then I will be able to have a yard sale, and hopefully make enough to do a few projects around the house....all before I have to start looking for a job.

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