Sunday, February 10, 2008

This is my blog so I'm going to say it!!!

WHAT THE FUCK!!!! Ok now that I have that out of my system...I mean really....what is wrong with me! I just read Sue's post on the Shrinkers blog...I feel the same way. I want nothing more than to be thin and feeling good yet I keep putting crap in my mouth day after day. I have a free gym to use at I use it..NO! I have someone to workout with and never take advantage of it. I know school is getting to me this semester but it's not any worse than past years. I just don't know. Maybe Jan was on to something, see I was always the center of attention when I was younger, but I loved it! I could have my pick of men and I had fun! Sometimes I think I'm afraid of ruining my life if I get thin! Now how screwed up is that! LOL A bit backwards I know but for those of you that don't know I'm no where near 100% happy in my marriage and maybe it would be that much easier to run away...I don't know but I need to change this point of view somehow. If I keep going the way I have been I will die young! I'll never have any fun with my daughter and hell I might not even see her grow up and get married! You never know.
I've been depressed for months I think! I miss my grandmother but I can't make myself go to the nursing home when she doesn't even know who I am, yet I feel worse because I don't go. I see my grandfather getting old and preparing to die...that is horrible! My Dad had a knee replacement last month and its been hard watching him be in pain...looking old. Ugh! I need sunshine and warm air maybe! LOL
All that being said I managed to be down .2lbs this week! I think that was because I sneezed before I got on the scale! I ate like shit this week, I didn't exercise except for playing in the hotel pool with my daughter on day for about 30 minutes! I want this week to be different. Today I'm working on homework so that I can have a bit more free time during the week to go to the gym, eat healthier (not out of the vending machine next to the computer lab at school). I want to be in the challenge to lose weight! I want the girls to kick the boys butts...but really give me a break! Bob has lost what 10 pounds and he is already tightening his belt a notch! ( I'm just jealous...but man)


Emily said...

It's so easy to make good choices for one day, but it's so damn hard to keep them up long enough to see progress. I hear ya! Trust me.

You can do this though. We have a chance against the men, but it's going to take all of our hard work. Now that Justin is on board too, we have our work cut out for us. But we can do this!

Bob said...

C'mon, Sherri! Keep your chin up. I know things are hard right now and you are getting pulled in a thousand different directions. But you know what will help you feel better? Getting back on track and seeing some progress with your weight loss. You CAN do this. All of us believe in you. Time for you to believe in yourself.