Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A better day

Hi all! I hope everyone is doing well. (Thanks Em...for the kind words) I have decided that I don't want to end up on meds so I'm taking control of my life! I have made a few simple changes from talking to a friend that has seasonal depression. I started going back to the tanning bed....I know it's terrible for me but it does make me feel better! First thing in the morning I have been getting up, showering and getting dressed..shoes and all...no sweats or comfy clothes. I get right to what needs to be done around the house. I feel like good and like I've accomplished something! Normally I would be sitting around in my sweats watching movies and ignoring all that needs to be done.

As far as my grandfather goes, well i made the decision to face that head on this weekend! I invited him to go to the nursing home with my daughter and I. He went and we all felt better for it even though Gram didn't even wake up while we were there. We visited with an old lady I knew from when I was working and I tried to make the visit as upbeat as possible.
I haven't been 100% perfect with my food and nighttime is still my worst time but I think for me the key to getting back into the proper frame of mind is taking baby steps. Finding my way back into the light is first.

I managed to do 5000 steps for me and considering the only physical work I did yesterday was housework in the morning and I spent my afternoon and evening in a classroom...5000 is OK! I'm making baby steps there too. Taking the parking space at the end of the parking lot instead of driving around until one comes free next to the entrance! Taking the stairs!! (when my knee allows it) Now on to making better food choices all day! I'm really looking forward to this weeks weigh in!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm glad to hear you're doing better. Sounds like you're taking control of your actions so that you don't need to go the medicine route. Good for you. Isn't it great to be excited for a weigh in? Can't say I'm feeling the same way about this week. :)