Monday, November 01, 2010


I was just browsing around blog land today. Seems likes every gave up around the same time this year! What is it about June that shuts everyone down. I am still sitting at the 300 mark....wondering what the hell I was thinking~let another year go by and I'm still fat! I've spent a far amount of spare time lately reading and educating myself on a few things.
  • First~I've found a new Dr. that is willing to work with me to be proactive and has helped me get a grip on this arthritis pain that has kept me from exercising like I want to (very sad when walking on my lunch break leaves me in pain the rest of the day).
  • Second~I've been eating healthy lunches with my new co-worker everyday. We found some yummy alternatives to regular fast food at our local health food store.
  • Third~ I've been walking everyday that I can for 45 minutes of my lunch break...averaging at least 3 days a week. It isn't the whole answer but it's a nice start.
  • Fourth~Finding a buddy to talk to at night and walk with during the day has been very helpful for me. We keep each other from eating at night and we force each other to walk even on the days we might not have gone if we were alone! MOTIVATION is key for me! Knowing someone else is depending on me really helps!

I'm not saying that this is the cure to my issues but I think it's an excellent place to start! I've managed to lose a couple of pounds in the last few weeks and maybe even some pants are looser and I'm noticing I feel like going a bit further everyday! All good places to start!! I think this new doctor will be much more helpful, she is making me look at some alternatives I hadn't really thought about before. I'm actually excited for the future!

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